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ExCeL and Formula E break world indoor speed record

The feat was achieved ahead of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship from 29 and 30 July, which was won by Hughes. He became the first world motorsport champion on British soil in 38 years.

This year marks the first time ExCeL London has hosted the season finale of the all-electric racing series.

Before Formula E took place, Hughes and his rival, Mahindra Racing team driver Lucas di Grassi went head-to-head to see who could set the fastest speed indoors, on just 346m of straight racetrack, using the same GENBETA car.

The drivers started from a standstill inside the ExCeL London events arena and navigated a 130-degree turn at around 40 km/h before quickly accelerating along the 346m straight of the racetrack.

Hughes said, “Driving the GENBETA car and setting the Guinness World Record title for the fastest speed achieved by a vehicle indoors was a really special experience.

“I feel very honoured to have been asked and to be involved in such an exciting project.”

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01/08/2023 Fonte:

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